Secure access to private apps with the most advanced ZTNA solution on the planet.
Make securing access to your crown-jewels seamless.
Atmos ZTNA ensures that authorized users get the access to private apps they need.
The most advanced Modern Day ZTNA service in the industry, the service provides an elegant alternative to traditional VPN and ZTNA 1.0 solutions by providing secure access for any user, any device, and any private application.
Secure access to modern web apps (SSH, RDP, Git, DB ec.) or legacy thick-client apps (VOIP, ICMP and AS400 etc.)
Inspect traffic to tell who accessed what URLs, view downloaded files, see commands used – and receive alerts
Private apps can be accessed with, our without, an agent. Integrations with any SSO solution creates a frictionless user experience
Identity and policy-based access without placing users onto the network, exposing apps, or any firewalls or ACLs
Modernize access to crown-level applications with Atmos ZTNA
Secure access to major apps – even VOIP and ICMP – and support client or clientless access
Avoid passthrough connections that lead to risk – Atmos becomes the first stop
Automatically adapt access rights based on changes in context (device posture, location etc.)
Make private apps invisible to the Internet, keep users off the network, and deliver a safer connection to SaaS apps
Gain visibility into user activity so you’re aware of malicious activity